Mind Bending Twisted Tales
Have you ever been asked those riddles and tongue twisters and all sorts of other nonsensical, yet makes a lot of sense type of questions?
I don't hear it much often nowadays, but yesterday a friend asked our table during dinner. As usual, I was unable to answer most of them (well almost all I guess. Haha) I confess. I'm not a very bright person, and is unable to solve riddles and tricks even a 12th grade kid could. I'm quite dim (errr the antonym of bright huh? Haha)
But that's just the way I like it! =D
Last night after dinner, I sat in my room thinking about the riddles and came up with a theory. I believe that people shouldn't view the world in such a complicated perspective. Keep it simple as it is. The lesser you think, the happier you'd be. Don't believe? Try thinking lesser tomorrow. Forget about the assignment or homework due in a week's time. Forget having to buy groceries and having to think of the menu for tonight's dinner. Forget about your burdens (Kids presumably for some.Haha just kidding =P) Practically don't think about anything but yourself. From a common "ethically and morally" point of view, it's just plain old selfishness; but hey! The world is round. Come onto the question from another direction and you could see that the lesser you worry about, you'd be a much happier person than you used to be.
What I'm trying to enlighten you is that the more processes taking place in our brain, the faster we burn out. We're just like a computer. When we open too many applications at once, our brain would start to lag and slowly and gradually fall apart. Bit by bit, piece by piece. Eventually, nothing would be left, only an empty shell.
I'm not encouraging you to abandon you're responsibility though! I'm just saying that the lesser we stress about the unimportant things in life, the easier it'll be for us to flow through the valley of life. Take things one at a time. If you carry too many eggs at once, you'd risk breaking them all isn't it?
Take a minute or two to skim over my theory and advice once more and think unbiased-ly. Think,
Am I thinking too much?
Am I fretting over the little specks of dust on my specs?
Think deeply and thoroughly, and somewhere buried in the depths of your messy mind, you'll know that I'm right. Go slow with the less thinking. Rome/America/Japan/Korea/Britain bla bla bla wasn't built in a day!
Erratic Behaviour
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