Monday, 23 April 2012

Mind Buzzer

The incessant buzzing in your mind. What is that? 

Have you ever experienced an annoying buzz in your mind that wouldn't budge even though you've tried so hard to permanently excise it from your frontal lobe in the left hemisphere of your puny little brain? (Nayy, just joking. I know you have a really big brain. In fact, its so big that you never bring it out for use! Hahahah =P )

I've had that, and experienced it many many times in my rather uneventful life; and it drives me into the bushes! It usually occurs when I'm rather uptight and tense. When I'm in a tight and suspenseful situation, and my brain is trying to tell me something. Something that I should remember but I don't. Haha ;P

I mean it's like there's an important event or fact, or just something that you're supposed to bring up in a conversation or meeting, or whatsnot; and you'll never remember it however hard you try. It really flushes your whole being down the toilet. Its like you're going to have a mental breakdown in a flap of a bee's wings. For me, the piece of information always shows up after when I'm supposed to use it. It just pops up suddenly, randomly, and insignificantly out of nowhere; like its shown up to laugh at you right in the face. Once is alright, twice may be a coincidence, thrice is a pattern, and any more than that is a disaster! Arrrgh!!!

There goes a saying,
 " Once goes the weasel, it's a mistake. Twice goes the sparrows, it's by chance. Thrice went the sheep, it's a conspiracy. "
Well actually I've just invented that saying. Hahahah =P Quite cool huh? =)

What to do when you've got the buzzing in your brain? Go see a doctor and tell him/her that you're hearing voices. You'll then be redirected to a nice looking psychologist who would smile and talk to you, but beware. She's actually planning the quickest way to get you into her asylum, then she'll have all the power to use you as a guinea pig for her evil experiments! Muahahaha (That's what I'll do if I get the chance to. ;D )

The truth is, you're not going crazy, nor are you going to be injected with funny smelling coloured liquids. Relax. Chill. Freeze. Hahah. 
In reality, I really have no idea what's wrong with us (if that's been happening to you too. Two's a company =] ). Find someone to talk to, share your weird feelings and thoughts and theories. That's what I'll do...... If there's actually someone I can talk to. Someone who actually understands how it feels. Someone who doesn't laugh at you or your ideas. Someone. Just someone......

You can't do this on your own. It's sad and not meant to be. Find a someone. Your someone,


Erratic Behaviour

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