Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Holey Bally!

A lot of holes and a lot of balls.

      I've never been much of a ball person. I have what I call errr "ball phobia"? Hahah. Basically, I'm afraid of balls that fly around. I guess this is because I got smacked square on the face with a basketball. The ball was hurtling towards me even before I was informed that a ball was going to be passed to me. To them, it was an idea of a joke, but their little joke has scarred me for life.

      Everytime when a friend asks me out to play basketball, football, whatever ball it is; I'd give a 100001 reasons that I can't go. However, when the logical and more reasonable reason supplies are running dry, people will eventually grasp the fact that you're really not interested or some coward and leave you alone gradually.

      Pool is a fantastic ball game, and I LOVE it! =)

      There aren't any balls flying around (though it would really hurt to be hit by one of them balls), 6 holes for your choosing, and can accommodate up to a maximum of 4 players only! (Though thats still a whole lot of pointy sticks moving around, it's worth a shot =D )
      I'm not super sure of the rules and sorts but all I know is that you mustn't pocket the the black coloured 8 ball unless you've pocketed all your balls. I'm unsure of other places, but at the place where I'm playing ( Shhh.... The location is a secret. Ahah =P ), there are yellow balls and red balls ( each the size of a small tomato? ),and a slightly smaller white cue ball ( It's really annoying as the smaller sized ball falls into the holes easily. Hmph! ).

      The game is simple. Whoever pops in all their coloured balls in then the 8 ball wins. I prefer to play alone, against myself because its more quiet. I really like the sound of the balls smacking into one another, and this particular sound would be errrmmmm polluted? when a great volume of vulgar profanities are taking up the limited airspace =S. Some people just can't take the truth and face the fact that they've lost. ( I'm not saying that I'm really good, but thats what happen when many people are playing. Confusion. )

I'm just a poor soul seeking peace amongst the sticks, balls and holes. =)

Erratic Behaviour

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