Thursday, 3 May 2012

Wet Day

Soggy Socks & Clammy Hands, what a combination, what to do on a BAD day! 

It was raining toads and frogs today! It wasn't that cold, but the wind was brutal, sending forth waves after waves of bone-chilling icy gales at me; luckily I had my comfy jacket on. =]

At first it was still okayy. Getting to the first bus stop and on the bus and all, until....... SCHOOL!

It's already miserable enough to walk up a hill to get there, but having water sloshing down at you?! That's downright horrible. 

I've gotta get new shoes. I've got a reason to.
1, Water seeps into them when I walk over shallow puddles.
2, It's cold when the cold wind blows. (getting cold feet. Hahah ;D)
3, Water isn't able to get out after its been in there. (and I thought those holey shoes would be great                     for the evaporation of unwanted liquids in there. Instead, I've got a shoe full of slushy rainwater and sweat. Mmmmmph, smells wonderful. IF YOU ARE A COCKROACH!)
4, The rubber outsoles are peeling. I have no idea why. Don't ask me. (I know they've been sewed ma, but things happen.=S)
5, I haven't washed them in months...... Does that count as a plausible reason? Haha I guess not. =P

I spent the entire morning focussing on how to dry my shoes and socks. (I eventually found out a rather interesting way to do so)
1, Take off your wet socks.
2, Find a hand-drying machine.
3, Fit the sock over the hand-dryer's output nozzle (the one where hot air comes out from)
4, Let sensor detect hand to start the machine.
5, Wait until sock is 90% or completely dry (or if someone comes into the toilet. Either one that comes first)
6, Repeat the steps' then put on the dry socks.
* It may smell a bit, but at least its dry =D

I've got a furry sweater. Great!
I'm sneezing because I'm allergic to it. So what?
Well, I'm having a nose bleed. Ohh....

Nosebleeds? Do this:
1, Take off to the nearest toilet. (I had to. My face looked like its been run over by a truck!)
2, Find some fine-quality tissue paper, or just plain old toilet rolls (which I did) and sneeze into it to your heart's content.
3, Look into a mirror. (I'm not asking you to check your hair or hunt for pimples! Check whether your nose is still bleeding.)
4, If it is, rest for 5 minutes and check again. If it stopped, run back to class and celebrate! (I'm joking, but you can if your teacher allows. Mine doesn't. Unfortunately!)
5, If its still bleeding after 5 minutes, GO SEE A DOCTOR!
* If you wipe your nose on your sleeve, it may look like you've been in a fight' which seems pretty cool to some (but not for me. Its a pain to wash off bloodstains).

To wash off bloodstains off any part of your clothing:
1, Find some salt. Head to the supermarket for a 1kg bag if you're an avid fan of nosebleeds like me =)
2, Find your bloodstained clothes. (DUH!)
3, Mix some salt into a bowl to make a semi-concentrated salt solution. The volume depends on the amount of bloody clothes you have (no pun intended).
4, Rub the bloody part with the solution until the stain vanishes.
5, Wash your clothes! Or you could continue wearing them if you'd like. 
* You can also draw a circle with salt on the ground, dump the dirty clothes in the centre, light a few candles; then jump up and down around it while chanting something, be it your spelling test or whatever it is. After the ritual, continue from step 3 till end. DOESN'T MATTER WHICH ONE YOU DO. IT BOTH WORKS. =]

This way(s) you can turn a bad day like mine into quite a fun and promising day! 

Cheers =D

Erratic Behaviour

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