The Awkward Moments
You know those moments when you'd wish you were somewhere else other than where you are at that moment? I'm referring to those times when you've let off an accidental, and uncontrolled burp in front of important (well, important to you) people; or a dead-reviving fart (depends on which you'd consider as worse. Farting is the worst! To me I guess. Maybe its customary in your culture or traditions to fart but not mine. =P)
We all have these awkward moments in life that many of us hate, but some of us (including me) really cherish those moments. I think that its a memorable event when I popped a fart-plosion in front of everyone during the presentations, or the time when I opened the door and saw something.....
Anyway, the point is that funny and embarrassing events like walking into the wrong toilet, or having the door opened when you're in the midst of something private may be quite humiliating, but it's who we are. Its those bumpy and hilarious things we do that makes life so much fun!
I've been through tons of shameful things that would make any "sane person" run and hide in a cave or under a rock for the rest of his/her existence; and I'm PROUD OF IT!
People who don't have bloopers in their life, aren't people. They're pre-programmed machines that do as they're told. Even teachers have bloopers. There was once I've had this teacher who....... (I'm not telling you =P)\
What to do when caught in a situation where you messed up, and there's the awkward silence:
1. Laugh. Just start laughing, but try not to overdo it. Laughter is infectious, just like yawning. Once you start to laugh, others would follow. =]
2. Change the topic. It doesn't work all the time. It depends on how much your audience is impacted by your unruly actions.
3. Escape to the toilet! Won't actually change people's impression of you, but it'll definitely change the topic and move on. Although they may look upon you in new light and are unlikely to forget.
*Surprisingly that of all the important things in life, bloopers are one of the things that people can remember forever! =O
Erratic Behaviour
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