Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Song For You

Messages are just a chain of words, strung around like the beads on a necklace. 

When given to the right person, it is appreciated; if not, it would be just like all the rejects.

Unwanted, and unheard of.

But a song,

It may be written, sung, or played in a series of varying methods; but a song.......

A song says more than any message can say.

It milks your soul, for the pure essence of your being, condenses it, and merges it along the chosen form of presentation.

This song is who I am, 
who I was,
and who I will be.

A song connects the listeners and the artiste, forging an immensely strong bond between the souls.

I am honoured to share my soul with you.

This is our song.


Erratic Behaviour

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