Monday 2 July 2012

A Maiden's Kiss

A Kiss From A.....

It was getting dark,
Dusk was approaching.
Burn those tree barks,
To get the fire going.

Lying low and shadowy,
The moon creeps in place.
Looking ever so blurry,
As we peer through the firewood ablaze.

A shriek,
We heard.
A shiver,

Ran down our spine.

In the midst of the fog there is,
A maiden awaits.
Waiting for a chance,
Waiting for a mistake.

What she know not of,
The underlying bushes contents.
Amongst the dead saplings,
A trap's remains.

The time has come.
She comes.


Closer and closer,
She approaches.

Swooping low,
With apprehensive eyes.
Eyeing our every move,
Our every response.

Zeroing in,
In for the kill.
The prey being hunted?
It was I.


A kiss we shared,
A week I paid.
The blood from my nape,
A week spent in bed.

The nasties she carried,
The nasties I received.
An invasion it was,
So I besieged to it.

The war I fought,
Without weapons for me.
Struggling through each obstacle,
It was life or death for me.

Its the essence of our beings.
Is the ultimate enemy we cannot beat.

Erratic Behaviour

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