Friday 21 March 2014

Tidal Moon

The lonely moon sings to the loneliest soul,
Peering through the skirts of the barren clouds.
In a distance thunder rumbles,
Distant rainfall wakes all; even fools.

Darkness before hope then darkness again.
The truth is in the wavering moonlight.

The teddies in the clouds, fog and mist too.
A young girl.

Do you see the little girl at the edge of the light?

A young girl growing up.
As she gets older, 
Her once favourite toys and best friends distance themselves more and more.
They become a distant memory.

The moon is always there, watching and following.
God is in the skies above.
The heavens up high watching and manipulating pitiful creatures.
Playing games and moving rooks, life is his game.

The Tidal Moon comes once more.

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