Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Bomb Maker

Sizzling and bubbling, the small dingy room was enveloped in noxious fumes. Scuttling down the stairs, he quickly dons a bleached white protective hazmat suit. Drenched in sweat and anticipation, he could feel his slightly exposed skin itching and burning.

Time to work.

Small glass vials of clear liquid, he extracts from the black duffel bag under the counter. Reaching to his right, he picked out a few canisters of white powdery substance.

With utmost care and a pair of steady gloved hands, he lifted a smoking beaker from the water bath.

* * * 

Hands outstretched, stance secured; he vigorously shakes the container of milky emulsions. 
Setting it down, colours change from milky white to a clear solution.

* * *

Everything is in place.

The setting and the times have been set. He will be there to see his beloved go, take flight.

* * *

He has fulfilled it all. 

There is no better way to go, than to bring all the happy children with you.

* * *

May the stars appear,
and the flowers blossom.
Years will go,
But this contamination will remain. 

Erratic Behaviour

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