Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Expensive Love

Love Me

One beautiful morning (well, probably it wasn't too beautiful, but hey! You lit up my day =] ), I walked into the store. It was a very big store. It was so big that I couldn't look over the aisle (not that I usually could. Hahah). I was bored, and probably lonely.
It was cold.

I don't understand why but the cold, still, and dead air hanging like a film between each and every person seemed to feel like embalming fluid. It literally burnt when you were to breathe in. 

Imagine a person; unwanted, unloved, un-cherished, and all those words you can connect behind un-, that was I.
Imagine that a person; disappointed, dispirited, disgraced, and and all those words you can connect behind dis-, that I was.
(Its like having an English lesson. Hahaha!)
Imagine you were that person, and feel what that person felt, do that person did; you are I. 

So I strode down aisle by aisle, looking for you. I've heard from a neighbour that you too, were like me, feeling what I felt. Treading carefully, I strained my neck high and low to seek you out. 

As minutes and minutes flew past, whipping my hair back and forth, I did not give up. However delusional I was, yet, I pushed on. I knew you are worth it. I know you are.

It was until it was time to go, that was when I found you. Ironically, you were sitting at the doorstep of the shop. Rather unfortunately, the shop across the street =S.

Steeling my courage, I dashed across the busy street. Ignoring the honks and shrieks of the onslaught of unforgiving drivers, I set my mind on one goal, and one goal that is. 
It's you.

As I neared you, I could feel enlightenment. It was as though He had placed a hand on my shoulder and urged me on (well something like that. I guess that's like the greatest thing some of you can think of, so I shall move along the flow). I was like a blind man who've never seen the Sun. 
It was a miracle.

I shall, and you shall; both love me.
I would, and you would; both bless me.
With courage, and with strength; I shall.
Take out my heart wallet,
Pay for your love,
and take you home.

Although you may be a little bit expensive, but I guess its a good investment in terms of my health and well-being. =]



Erratic Behaviour

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