Tuesday, 19 June 2012

The Abysmal Ignorance

I'm right...... Yeah right!

'Look from a bird's point of view, everything seems so small; yet when an ant looks up to see the world overhead,the world then seems so large'.

Erratic Behaviour, 2012.

Everyone has a different point of view on a particular topic/subject, and has their own personal or impersonal reasons to support, and fight for their stand. So, who is right?

The answer?
No one is. How so?
Well, just because something has a reason supporting it's cause, doesn't mean that it is always right. If you at something in a general way, you'd be able to analyse the pros and cons of it. However, if you look at it from the 'morally righteous' way, you'd realise that many of the causes in life, aren't always the best; but then and again, life is filled with needless sacrifice.

Imagine life as a road. Imagine it as a bumpy and uneven road that has potholes here and there. As the driver of a car on the road, wouldn't you want to have a smooth road to drive on? In order for a smooth road, you've gotta sacrifice something to fill up the holes.

But it doesn't mean that you've have to drive on the smooth road. You can always opt for the bumpy road, without making sacrifices. It depends on what and how you want life to be. 
Nice and smooth, or nasty and holey.

The dark and dreaded ignorance of life is the source and cause of the unimaginable.
Just because others say that you are wrong, doesn't mean that you are. 
Are you?

'Do not dwell upon the past, or you may lose out on the present'.

Somebody once said this to me.

'Let live of these, in the present; and let die, of those in the past.'

Erratic Behaviour, 2012.

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