Tuesday 20 March 2012

Back in Life

Hey guys, I’m back! It’s been a really hectic week. Getting to know new people, making new friends; living a new life, it’s a really big task at hand. I’ve met many other different people from various nationalities, races, places in the world, and I met you!
            Yes, you. Without you, there would be nothing to write about. Without you, I would have nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs all day. Yeah I’ll go back to writing my stories, but while I’ve got your attention, I might as well appreciate it.
            To be brief, life is really busy around. I’ll upload some of my photo- shopped works for you. It isn’t exactly the greatest……. Yet. I’ll get better and better after practice, you’ll see. But for now, it’s just these. =)

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