Thursday 18 September 2014


One, two, three... The seconds trailing off as the untimely clock ticked away. I had up to 180 before my backup kicked in. After all, we all get there someday.

I could smell the musky leather seizing up in my nasal cavity, lingering unnecessarily, tainting and clouding my thoughts.

I did not want it to end. The throes of adrenaline gushing into my long constricted veins; the dry spell was finally over. I could feel again.

Gingerly, my fingers hovered carefully over the buckle, grasping the levered end whilst tugging at the remainder; to tighten further. As my fingers fell from their grace, it felt as the floodgates to the canal were bombed; energizing juice sparked and sizzled throughout the course of my lower torso. I felt what I shouldn't; the taboo foreboding cautiously, what a time to be alive!

* * *

The feelings flashed and went like a thunderstorm. Struggling to grasp at any strand of feelings, the Angels, they perversely slip through my fingers; until next time then.

Until next time.

Erratic Behaviour

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