Wednesday 7 November 2012

To Catch A Fall

We fall all the time, well its most of the time for me, ahaa, but that's not the point.

Falling is the form of test to see whether we'd climb back up after it or not.

However, sometimes, some falls are not required in life; and usually to avoid it, someone will be there to catch us when we fall.

I'd catch you when you fall,

Over and over again,
I'll be there to break your fall.

But would you do the same for me?

When I fall, 
I fall hard,
No bars held.

When I call,
There's no help,
But I still get up.

Do I trust you?

Nobody had ever been there to break my fall,
Nobody has ever been there to break my fall,
And nobody will ever been there to break my fall.

I don't need you at all.

I'm falling,
Falling hard......

Feeling Man

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