Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Book of Life

Put my old broken guitar to good use!


 Our every action is a story, and our life is a book. We are all writers who determine what we fill our books with. We determine whether it is a thick book filled with memories or a thick book filled with crap; we ensure the quality of our stories and we share them with one another.

Our stories make up our life. The endless chapters fill the unbounded pages of our book, the Book of Life.


 Neck Section

This section symbolizes the collection of stories, with each tier having its own story respectively.

 Tier 1

This first tier is the root/ base of all stories. In cellular form and detail, our lives began from humble beginnings, gradually developing into more complex forms and features. This is the first chapter.

 Tier 2

The second tier symbolizes our heritage. Our ancestors and traditions affect our upbringing greatly, and thus affects the twists and enticing bits of our stories. Born of the same kind, raised differently.

 Tier  3

This third tier features the compassion in our nature. As living beings, we are born with the ability to love, but this feature has had to be unlocked through proper upbringing to fully understand it.

 Tier 4

This stage symbolizes age. We all age at different pace, but eventually, we all age the same.

 Tier 5

This tier represents the society that we currently reside in. Communication is king above all things. Without it, we will all die.

 Tier 6

This final tier shows the current world we live in. Dense, slightly overpopulated in certain areas, and complicated. However much different we are demographically and such, we are still interdependent, and will crumble without the aid of one another.

 Body Section


This section of the artwork relates to the modern society. Its grid-like form represents all the rules and regulations set in order we function “properly”. However formal our social system may appear to be, there will always be loopholes.

This section also intends to criticize the selective inquisitive behavior of man. We are often curious about many things, yet steer away from a specific field of things, especially of those that we do not understand of.

Should we know more just to appease our curiosity? Or do we do so to comfort ourselves, knowing that it isn’t as bad as you thought it was…

You decide.

 Trademark ;D

Erratic Behaviour

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