Thursday 6 November 2014

割脈 Slit. Wrist. - An Animation About The Things We Don't Talk About

Here is my latest stop motion animated short, 割脈 Slit. Wrist.

Please watch in Fullscreen and HD mode

In this animation, I explore the taboo(s) where an unspoken rule reigns over the open discussions and sharing in regards of subjects and topics encircling suicide.

Many of us feel uneasy when approaching a delicate subject as such, and may prefer to overlook and ignore it in order to avoid discomfort and awkwardness. Once you decide to turn away, someone dies. These are the issues we are shy away from. The further we distance ourselves from 'it' or 'them', the more lives it will claim.

"Whenever you make the decision to turn away, to ignore; someone dies"

Sharing the pain is part of relieving the burden. We experience anguish in a form of exquisite beauty, channeling it through our veins; sharing via bloodletting, clearing and exit route for the encapsulated agony.

Erratic Behaviour

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