Friday, 14 February 2014

Love Season

It's that time of the year again! It's that time of the month too!
*Insert period jokes*

The latest and greatest animation for this lover's season is here.

Breakdown of the animation below (I know that most of you don't understand any of my work) =P

Scene 1 : The Egg 
An egg is the product of love. When the egg cracks and reveals an tiny little heart, it shows that huge amounts of effort and hard work is required to create a minute amount, that amounts to a little love. 
Just a little.

Is it worth it?

Scene 2 : The Tumble
The small heart that was painstakingly cultivated in the past, tumbles through the hair dryer of wind tunnels; free falling through space, trying to reach a place. If you observe carefully, you will see that the heart grows a little bigger in mid-flight, where it faces a near death situation. At the point of almost disintegrating in the turmoils of the unforgiving elements, it puffs itself up in courage, taking the wind head on.

Love is not easily swayed. 
It stays on track.

What are your priorities?

Scene 3 : Thud! Landing.
Whooshing through high altitude, the little heart plants itself firmly into the soft fertile grounds of the World.
Rustling the land and roughing up the rest of the the universe, the butterfly effect affects all.
It calls for all.

Cause and effect. What would you do?

Scene 4 : Growth
The seedling sets its roots and begins to grow. Day and night it grows, it's leaves come and go.

There are no flowers, only paper ones.

Time cannot be sped up or reversed. How long will you wait?

Scene 5 : Seasons
It began with Winter. The coldest and harshest of all seasons. The first Winter.

3 months later came Spring. Petite buds bloom and pollination begins; the birth of life with nesting animals.
The first season of love making.

Its the hot sweltering Summer. The fruits of the love grows. Families gather and people wander under the comforts of the leafy shade. 
The bond is strong.

All things come to an end. The cycle is in continuum.
Autumn, the downer is here. Preparing the moods for the coming Winter months.
Strength to survive is key. 

There is no faith. Only courage.

Love isn't about romance; it's about durability.

The mangroves will always outlast the swamp, as long as it perseveres. 

Just give up?

Scene 6 : The Great Tragedy
The Love Season, it has begun; but it must end.
Everything expires in the end, a waste.

A fire. 
Cremating the slowly braised love. Engulfing the stone-hardened memories and all things significant.
The cool wind blows the ashes into dust.

From ash to ashes, always dust.

Scene 7 : Credits
When a dream is hollow, meaningless; easily crushed it is.
Tiny specks of shell is swept aside. 

Options. There are always choices to be made.

Start anew or stop it all? A judgement shall be made, and a decision will be adhered to.

The Love Season is history. 

What do we do now?

Erratic Behaviour

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