What makes an ice cold Coke after a long run feel so awesome?
What makes a bond between a long lost family so strong?
Why does one simple, kind act by a child shatter so many hearts?
As simple as it is, deprivation is key to making every experience a better one.
When there is a gap in the 'common' space of one's needs, cravings would occur.
We crave something when we long for it the most.
Yet, we shouldn't satiate our cravings (if within ability) immediately.
When a need for something is at its peak, it will become irresistible, and ultimately insatiable.
Our greed stops us from taking control over our cravings.
Feeding those cravings may be equivalent to adding crisp, dry logs to a roaring flame.
We will consume ourselves, until there is no more.
However, when moderation is applied sensibly; a craving is transformed into a passion.
It is no longer a need.
Through deprivation, one can test patience and discipline.
Deprivation is necessary to reign in our primal demands.
*I lost my train of thought, sorry!*
Erratic Behaviour
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