Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Third Person

Progeny, the child of fear.

Take a step back, then another two backwards.

I have been made aware that education pre, and post, are in reality; borrowed time.

Its as if for that certain time frame, life was on rent.

After all the education we have received, and all that we have achieved in our 'educational' years remain as a scratching, a stamp, or a mark on a flimsy piece of parchment; as a summary of our feats and our past.

Should we allow such an atrocious manner, when it comes to something of such importance?
Yet, we should ruminate about its importance. 

Is it actually of value?

Life after an educational era, is known as the 'debt repayment scheme'.
With the pretense of families, hobbies, religion, politics, and such; we entrapt ourselves in a mist, a thick viscous liquid. It swirls and coagulates, churns then congeals; coating, slathering, and suffocating us in the petty white lies we tell ourselves every other day. We manipulate our minds to make ourselves feel whole, and in a long shot, try to make our lives less insignificant.

We try to stand out, stand proud; yet there are always minute details caught in between, clogging up the once flowing arteries of life.

A heart attack waiting to occur.

Erratic Behaviour 

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