Monday, 10 June 2013

The Weight of Words

Like everything else on Earth that relates to the G-force, words too also have a weight.

Regardless if it's not an actual physical object or phenomena, it can affect and change us as much as physical contact can.... Maybe even more!

Words are like the weapons of mass destruction in the ethereal world. While you can force others to do something for you (good/bad), you would have to risk a retaliation. However, with words (the right ones), you can get people to "help" you willingly and happily (Zero-risk, everybody's happy, long-term commitments). 

Look at how the politicians today do it. They use words to influence our minds. They bind us and bend our will to their wants and needs, creating a country of mindless zombies who actually support the zombifying cause!

Now compare [insert favourite politician's name] to Pol Pot "Brother Number 1" or Kim Jong II "The Dear Leader" and all the nasty tyrannical baddies. History is meant for us to learn from, not repeated over and over again!
Look how Osama bin Laden had flourished in his reign! Although he may be the "bad guy" to most people, learn from him before judging him.

Now, for a less serious context; we all use words to describe people, to the point where we have the ability to judge people without even seeing them beforehand (we all do, so don't deny it).

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see a person who is:
- Fat (Especially those roaming Kmart)
- White (This will sound racist, so I'm going to be quiet)
- Skinny (Anorexic skinny? Or Slim skinny?)
- Black (AHA! I'm going to quiet too!)
- Asian (I am entitled to lambast them. They are everywhere, and may be found in a discount shop near you)
- Pretty (Moderately common I'd say)
- Hot (very subjective)
- Beautiful (don't get much of this)
- Interracial (Heritage? Race? I think we're straying a little here hahaha) ;)

Words let us explain the world around us to everyone else we meet. It enables judgments to be passed, and laws to be created.

Does it mean that its a good thing?

Erratic Behaviour

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