Sunday 2 June 2013

How To Cut A Chicken?

Traversing the jungles,
Following the Sun.
Encountered a clearing,
A man found his son.

20 years has gone,
Many a story he had to tell.
Older, mature, with the look of a man,
He was still a boy.
Now that mama was gone,
He had to cook.
Papa is back,
He is the cook.

To put on a show,
A chook he killed.
Papa furrowed his brow,
Waiting for his hunger to be fulfilled.

A feast he prepared,
Salad, soups, and a hare.
The chook was the attraction,
Papa smiled with satisfaction.

Used to dining alone,
He knows not how to serve,
Nor cut or chop or shear,
For the chook we all fear.

Erratic Behaviour

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