Saturday 13 October 2012

Is It Worthwhile?

Some people can wait for decades for a chance, some even centuries.
However, some people can't even wait for the queue at the bus stop.
Which of these people are you?

I'm neither =P

For some things, I can wait forever, everlasting patience; yet for some, I just can't.

Patience isn't one of my values, yet it may be.
Can't it? =)

For me, patience = priority
For anything that I prioritize, I can persevere to learn it, study it, love it.

This is what I persevered for today. I spent a solid 12 hours working on it (learning, filming, recording, editing, and doing it all over again until i get it right).
Talk about someone who can't even wait for the french fries at McDonald's =P

Enjoy, and share it if you like it =]

P.S. It's all me =D

Erratic Behaviour

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