Wednesday 12 September 2012

Howls of The Night

Walking through the dark alleyway,
With the vague moonlight sifting through the so-called rafters of the uninhabited house,
The sound of the little creatures of the dark scurrying about,
At the lip of the alleyway there I was.

Hookers, junkies, and 'bad' people loitered around,
An occasional glance at me but non for too long,
Shifting and mumbling as I pass,
The look in their faces are the ones reflected off the ones of everyone.

A lone alpha cries into the night,
Signalling for the others to join the fight,
Echoes bouncing in the dark alley walls,
Some cower in fright but many unite.

Seconds, minutes, and hours pass,
No lone soldier or army were caught in trespass,
All thought it was safe to go on,
But none thought that it had just begun.

Feeling Man

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