Saturday 1 October 2016


Time stops,
A needle drops.
The last breath,
Lingering in the air.

Chaos around,
Chaos surrounds.
Chaos within,
Inside me.

Cries of man,
Screaming horses,
Clanking metal,
A grinding halt.

Fire in the sky,
Black rain.
Waiting to die,
It's time again.

Battles rage,
Warring wars.
Armies take,
Humanity falls.

And in this moment of darkness, his eyelids flutter. Like a moth drawn to a candlelight, he scans the battlefield.

A moment in time before death, he sees the truth of the light. Pure and unfiltered.
It seeps through the mound of bodies above him, penetrating every crevice.
Finally washing a small patch of his face in light.

Ah light.
The cliché of light in the darkness.

Peace within.

Erratic Behaviour

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