Thursday, 31 July 2014

In Awe

I can see myself, sitting in a broken chair; too small for me.
An ancient sentient creature perching on the fringes of life; mulching through the tunnels of time.
Grumbling at every whim, occasionally muttering curses under my breath about the rain; the weather of emotions.
Barking and balking at each pass of the monsoon wind, I stoop frail and angry.

Defiance at the natural world, a miserable old coot I will become.

Erratic Behaviour

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


He guards the front lawn as if it is his mediaeval fort.

His gleaming chain sparking in threw sunlight as he marches the boundary fence.
His eyes narrow suspiciously at the passing boys, a growing growl tickles the back of his throat, attempting to turn them away.

Slowly retreating to his stump, his eyes never lowered, his gaze never wavered.
Boring into your faceless soul.

Erratic Behaviour

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


You are my inspiration.

There are so many things I want to tell you, all the time. 
I do; 
But no longer decide to.

Some things should be left unsaid. 
The spider under the rock should be left undisturbed, lest he bites back. 
Taboo is no stranger to me, 
For it is either he or you or me.

The undisclosed location of my memories are left to steep.
Sieving through the throes and the trawls of this century.
From that day till today and many more days to come,
I would like to, but shall not do; until kingdom comes.

The emotions transpired are admired then retired,
For the have no place in the hearts of yours or the men alike.
As the pain slowly ebbs away,
The rivers of doubt shall be washed with clarity; cleansed of this fouling pity.

The lacklustre of this evening's stars shall be a reminder,
To serve a merit,
Awarded as a warning;
My favourite purple star.

Erratic Behaviour

Monday, 28 July 2014

Green = Go

The course of our friendship shall rest upon your mighty shoulders.

I will give aid to you, but it is time; your time.
Take the reins of this chariot and school it towards whichever direction you will it to be.
I can no longer help make the decisions.
It feels like a big responsibility, almost as a burden.
No blame will come past you, if our friendship were to come undone.
At least you tried?
Salvaging this derailed train car is of the highest upkeep.
You knew what you were in on when the pact was made.
It's either you do, or you don't.
No more empty promises, no more white lies.
You cannot afford any more.
Everything that had been lost, is already gone.

Erratic Behaviour

Sunday, 27 July 2014


I have so many things I want to say, but somehow I no longer let myself say them.
Not to you, not to anyone.
For too long it has only been me and only me, taking to a one way mirror; I don't normally do, but I do now.
I have given up.
There is no more fight in me.
Our friendship has stood awkwardly for as long as it would, but thank you for the past and until now.
I've always said my number was up, but today; I feel it really is.
The time has come.
Whatever may be left, it is up to you to decide upon now. I do not want nor do I have the initiative to invest and maintain this friendship.
Let the dead lay dead, the living keep living.
Friend, love, and listener;

Erratic Behaviour

Friday, 25 July 2014

House of God

Pairs upon pairs of eyes were tracking me.

The cold, sullen atmosphere sinking the ship of warmth contained within my chest.
I am seeing yet I could not see,
A holy book falls, and opens to Genesis.

Erratic Behaviour

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Wishful Thinking

All night, there I was thinking about what I should do.

All day, there I was hoping to see you.
Its said that; what you want most, you'll never have.
I'd say; if you want something very much, yet accept that it isn't yours to keep, it then, will be yours.

Erratic Behaviour

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


She lays on the couch invitingly,

Tempting me with her partially dressed torso.
Lusting after her, I was slipping;
Yet I held on.

Something felt wrong.

Was it her bluish lips,
Moving sluggishly while she speaks in a slurred tongue.
Or was it the state of mind she was in,
Dazed with glassy eyes as I stared.

Erratic Behaviour

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Standing in the kitchen with a book in hand.

Staring at the stove,
Thinking and contemplating.
Bed or fix a midnight snack?

"Simulating the perception of eating whilst standing in the midst of delicate foods, absorbing the wafting aroma; savouring the particles suspended, frozen in the air. Eating without consuming, the experience is very real indeed."

Erratic Behaviour

Monday, 21 July 2014


Sitting topless in the frigid twilight,

Bottle in hand,
Asking for spare change.

The fires in the North are burning southwards,
Razing the crops and charring the land.
Scorched earth.

Beyond the fog, a man emerges.
In a billowy cloak
Followed by a swishing cape.

From beneath his wispy frame,
Out pulls a Stradivarius.
It wails long in sorrow.

Freeing the shackles of time,
He pours his heart into his whale song.
Playing to the ghosts of his soul.

Erratic Behaviour

Deathly Intersection

The hours are my milestones.

With a flick, tap, and the occasional knock off a finger,
A flurry of confusion and clumsiness,
Through them I flow.

Unpreparedness is a term strange and foreign to me.
Planning and mastery of the human time is of utmost essentiality.
Unbeknownst to my iron mind is the fragility,
Of my twisted fate entwined with the consecutive hours to be.

Erratic Behaviour

Sunday, 20 July 2014


I could feel the ground moving,

The dense air heavy around me.
Humming against my eardrums,
The oncoming lights shine brightly.

A sense of foreboding envelopes my rationale for safety.
Yet, a tendril of doubt slithers up the sleeve of my mind.
Our lives revolve around the embodiment of our fragile souls;
I hesitated, then regarded myself.

High and proud, I triumphed.
Carving a path through the swollen snow.
As the moving lights seem to slow,
Out against it, I threw myself;

Mind, body, soul and all.

Erratic Behaviour

Saturday, 19 July 2014


I was not more than a child as you are now.

Born to the wolves that roamed the mountain grounds.
For I was destined to be of greatness far and beyond,
I left as prey and returned to prey.

Erratic Behaviour

Friday, 18 July 2014

Birth, Death

Like a black thunderstorm sweeping, tearing;

Admonishing its terror. Unleashed for its run around the field,
A torrential reign on chaos.

Erratic Behaviour

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Walk with Me

"Hold my hand"

Into my ear he whispered, making me giggle in all silliness.

"I'll take you someplace nice and warm where we can play"

And, I never went home again...

Erratic Behaviour

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


I can feel my toes,

Big, knobbly and swollen.
My fingers brushing over my face,
A five month shadow in place.

So this is what I feel like!
Clumpy and wrinkled like an old waterlogged lab coat.
Previously regal and garish,
What have I become?

Erratic Behaviour

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Waiting for Cinderella

"One cannot have the other, yet neither can live without one another."

Erratic Behaviour

Monday, 14 July 2014


Flicking lighters to make a spark in the midst of the dreary gloom of the winter night.
The surfaces of abrasive flints touching,

Hesitant; then willingness wash over the pair of them,
To sacrifice themselves, for a glimmer of hope that flutters and dies in the homeless heart.

Erratic Behaviour

Sunday, 13 July 2014


Two fingers into the soft most crevice,

Feeling the uneven and slimy nubs,
Seemingly digging around for something; or nothing,
Extracting what was lost in the void; compensating for mumbling.

Erratic Behaviour

Friday, 11 July 2014

P.E.A - E is to ENCHANT

This is the second installment of the P.E.A (Print.Enchant.Animate) trilogy.

E is to ENCHANT delves into the inner workings of a design. Through manufacture, it is the turning point which determines the success or failure.

Behind the scenes!

Thursday, 10 July 2014

In a Distance

If being truly safe is equivalent to eternal divide,

Would you mind the traversal?
The feeling if not knowing wherever I am,
Unbeknownst to the rifts of changes in this turn-age century.

Erratic Behaviour

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Listen to me!

Treasure me!
You pressure me,
But never for once; reassure me.

Erratic Behaviour

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


Plonking down to hear your rambles,
Your petty remarks having at me,
I am already in shambles,
What more could it be?

Erratic Behaviour

Monday, 7 July 2014


For eight hours it persisted,

Rainfall upon thunder upon snow.
There has never been snow until now.

Snowflakes of a million facets grace the coronation of the great one.
A phenomenal occurrence petty humans deem as the end of the worlds.
For they do not know the power they wield,
The congregation of the dammed knows no bounds.

Erratic Behaviour

Sunday, 6 July 2014



Faint notes of the dusty old harp floats around the field,
Rousing the ancients to wake from their endearing slumber.
Today we make a stand.

Erratic Behaviour

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Here Comes The....

I would very much like to gouge my eyes out with a heated spoon.

Feeling the warmness caress my corneas,
Enjoying the slow numbing pain.
Finally sinking into darkness.

Erratic Behaviour

Thursday, 3 July 2014


The waning moonlight flickers as if a moth is circling over it.

Trading and taunting stargazers behind the skirt if the clouds,
Seducing it's worshippers,
Enraging photographers.

Erratic Behaviour

Wednesday, 2 July 2014


Feed me.

Slice me open.
Bare the bones,
Oxidise those putrescent innards.

Take up the opportunity,
To dissect me.
Pick me apart,
We both want to know.

Erratic Behaviour

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Keep Left

A trail of light strings along the both sides of me,

Bloody red and blinding white,
They keep me at bay,
In my rightful place.

Erratic Behaviour