Tuesday 10 June 2014


Melon spoon in hand,
Tin plate left on my lap.
Straddling me unclothed,
There she was.

She proceeds to strap my head down.
Chaining my arms to the bedposts.
I am spread eagled.
A crude mimicry of Jesus Christ.

A guarded left eye speculum is applied onto me.
A black patch is placed over my other eye.
Seeing through my lazy eye.
She was beautiful.

* * *

I watched her for as long as I could. 
I did not scream, nor did I squirm.
I admired her precision with the crudely fashioned tools.
She is so beautiful.

I no longer look at other women,
Not because I value my remaining eye;
But because she is the only one.
The one that exists for me.

Erratic Behaviour

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