Friday, 11 October 2013

The Balding Effect

Hair loss. 
It is a big deal. Stop downplaying it fellow men.
We both know you've taken a hit. Your ego and your pride has been injured. You have lost your proudest possession, and it hurts.

Yes it does.

Yet, it is not the end. 
Just as you begin to break down, and spiral into depression or worse; JUST STOP.

Many people around you will tell you that it is just hair. Nothing much.
Have they been in this situation? Most of them, no.
Have I? No. But I do know your plight. 

Think of the loss of your hair as a new page in the scrapbook. 
Think of all the things you can do with it.
Tattoo your scalp!
Use it as a canvas to explore your creative side!

*I know it may not make much sense to anyone reading this, but it came up pretty well in my mind. Somehow it just came out wrong. Hahaah.

Bald, balding, and yet to be bald men alike. Hold onto your courage, for I am with you.

Erratic Behaviour

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