Monday 13 August 2012

Vampiric Sensations

The Fear of The Creatures of The Night

It was dark and shadowy.

The silhouette of the crescent moon was barely visible beneath the wreath of clouds.

There was a crackle, then a boom, from the distance afar.

A flurry of wings started from my right. Stopped, then ended somewhere to my left.

Hands outstretched, stance wide.

Eyes closed, yet I could see it all.

The family of possums in the undergrowth a few feet behind me.

The nesting pigeons in the nest above of me.

The marching ants next to me.

And the trickle of cold sweat from her nape.

The violent beating of her all-too nervous heart.

Pumping, pumping, pumping.

Leaning forward towards the kill.

My eyes were still shut.

The surroundings turned eerily silent.

Tribute to the one who is leaving the world tonight.

With a swift motion, I leapt.

I struck.

She fell.

Erratic Behaviour

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