Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Chomp chomp chomp.
A pompous young lad.
Crinkle, crease, cropped.
An oversized package.

Erratic Behaviour

Monday, 29 December 2014

Poppa's Pop

Dear granddaddy,
Today I shall be to you,
Crude and impatient,
Stubborn yet endearing.

Sorry Grandpa,
Hands in,
Hands out,
Go on rollout.

"Hey Poppa, what's that?"
Eyes up,
Face front,
"Don't look back son"

* * *

Eyes closed,
"Shh son... Poppa's sleeping"
Dressed in a new suit,
Italian suede too.

No tears for the years,
A drought is near.
With best interests at heart,
The other woman fears.

A great white bird flies into this room.
She rests by his head whispering "Darling, the close is at the end".
It dawns upon him that time stands still,
Past wrongs have yet to be righted in his final will.

Truth be told as best as able be.
A chicken, dog, snake, goat and deer?
A hundred days from today,
All will be real.

Erratic Behaviour

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


When I close my eyes,

Time slips bye.
Haunted memories rejoin me,
In my slumbering reveries.

Lightning strikes twice,
Once at me,
Twice it missed.
Black luck it seems.

Trapped in air,
Yet suffocating in it.
Breathe a breath,
Bubbles will make you float.

Erratic Behaviour

Monday, 8 December 2014


I seek no answers,

For the questions I hold.
Want no attention,
May I ever be so bold.

You know not of this,
Experiences you lack thereof.
Asking you I do,
For replies you do not.

Erratic Behaviour

Friday, 5 December 2014

The Sumo - Rai

Watch in HD and Fullscreen with speakers or headphones!

The Sumo-rai.

The atrocities of WWII shall remain un-mentioned and unsaid in this animation.

This is my take on WWII.

This animation is a depiction of the final fight of WWII, a wrestle for power after the Allied forces deployed the Little Boy on Hiroshima (6th August 1945) and the Fat Man on Nagasaki (9th August 1945). The Empire of Japan eventually conceded to unconditional surrender on 2nd September 1945, ending the war.

Erratic Behaviour